How old are you?
Old enough to sell and enjoy wine! Technically a Baby Boomer, but I feel more like a Gen Xer!
What did or do you do in the real world?
I spent approximately 30 years in the Airline industry, primarily in the Crew Planning/Crew Scheduling/Crew Resources area.
When and how did your love of wine begin?
Probably in my mid-30s. My first Airline job was in Appleton, Wisconsin where the local cuisine includes a fair share of cheese, brats, and beer. Not the healthiest options if not consumed in moderation! And moderation is not a high priority in your late 20s and early 30s. We then moved to New Hampshire in 1993. After having emergency heart surgery when I was only 33, I realized it was time to make some adjustments to my diet and lifestyle. We started eating a little healthier, and of course, we worked some red wine into the meals. After all, it is good for you, right? (In moderation, of course!) Even my wife agreed our wine choices were more enjoyable than her Bartles & Jaymes wine coolers or Sutter Home White Zin. And it has grown from there!
How would you classify your taste in wine, Old World or New World?
I seem to lean more towards the old-world style.
All of us have our favorites. What varietals or regions do you feel are your strongest areas of expertise?
I have only been doing this for a few years so I refrain from using “my” and “expertise” in the same sentence! Gosh, there is so much to learn! But my favorites are definitely red. Cabernet, Bourdeaux style blends, Rhône blends, Chiantis, or a good Argentinian Malbec.
What is your favorite food and wine pairing?
It's probably what I have the least of (see story above), but a good Filet Mignon with Cabernet or Malbec.
Do you have a favorite memory of a winery?
My wife and I visited Mendoza Argentina in 2009. We hired a driver to arrange our winery tours and get us to each location since it is a little more complicated than just driving down the road to the next winery. He arranged five tours over two days, with lunch at one winery each day. Our first stop was to Salentein, which was a gorgeous facility. Check out the art gallery if you have time.
But O. Fournier was the highlight of the day! A stunning facility. Beautiful views of the Andes as we sat in a lovely dining room with full glass walls to enjoy the view. They served an excellent meal, prepared by the owner’s wife, and obviously with wine pairings for each course! A fantastic experience. We also visited Achaval Ferrer, Lagarde, and Catena Zapata.
Your favorite restaurant?
Currently, probably Noah Grants. Convivio is nice as well. We live in the Village, so we enjoy anything we can walk to!
Your favorite guilty pleasure?
Funniest moment working here?
Not sure if it was funny, but the most interesting was when I was scheduled to open on a Sunday morning. I was coming down Oak St, watching fire trucks heading into the Village. I am mumbling under my breath trying to guess which restaurant had an unfortunate start to their Sunday morning brunch as I zig and zag through side streets and alleys to make my way to our parking lot behind the store. Imagine my surprise when I open the back door, and the firemen were in our store!! It was a false alarm, so no damage done, but I felt bad for the fireman in full gear with breathing apparatus trying to squeeze up our steps alongside the conveyor belt after inspecting the basement.
Best and worst things about working here?
John Payne said it best, “I don’t really make any money … just spend a little less on wine.” Although upon further reflection I probably spend a little MORE on wine!